Wednesday, February 20, 2008

#8 I Hate (Most) Young Republicans

Sorry Jon, but you know I do.  To me, they are on the same level with Hitler's young Nazi society, whatever that was called. I guess I can understand a farmer from Kentucky, or a member of the Armed Forces joining the Republican party, but that's where I draw the line.  Especially when you're young, and supposed to have the whole "save the world" mentality.  How selfish do we need to be?  Let's leave the poor to fend for themselves, and take away healthcare.  Even India has free healthcare, though I guess they probably need it more than we do.  We should also probably not let gay people get married, because it really effects us in any way at all.  And as for abortion, let's take that right away too.  That way, when Evanston High School senior, Latiniqua Jones is forced to have a back alley coat hanger abortion and develops a terrible infection, she can just suffer it out because she can't afford health insurance.

Guns are also a necessity for us youngsters.  It's nice that it's so easy for psycho ass Steven Kazmierczak to walk into a store and buy five guns.  Why do we need guns?  So that we can be legit shooters?  I guess I know one certified "shooter," though he probably will never have a Bachelor's degree, and certainly does not own a gun (I hope).  My neighbor, the nicest guy ever, accidentally shot his younger brother when he was little.  As terrible as that is, what's worse is that he continues to have guns in his house today with 3 little kids.  A good friend of my Dad's was also shot and killed by her senile husband who mistook her for an intruder as he used his gun for "protection." It's called a German Shepherd, and from my experience, a Cocker Spaniel will also do just fine.

We should probably spend as much money as possible building a gate to keep out the Mexicans. It's so terrible to have them in our country taking the jobs that no one else wants.  They are Mexicans, so they probably won't be smart enough to figure out other ways to get into our country without crossing the border.  What a joke.  My childhood caretaker/housekeeper/extra grandma, Tila (yeah, laugh all you want), came here from Guatemala in the trunk of a car when she was a teenager.  She has really posed a big problem to the U.S. by taking care of 3 kids, sewing them barbie doll outfits and making an occasional quesadilla. She should definitely be deported to Guatemala where many of her friends have mysteriously disappeared in the night only to have their livers cut out and sold on the black market.

And as for abortion, how terrible of me to even utter the word.  Yeah, it's not the most pleasant thing in the world, but its a necessary evil.  Condoms break, dental dams (hahaha) don't work, and we unfortunately live in a world where rape happens.  Fortunately, the problem is fixable, and it's a right that every girl should have.  The most disturbing is when a woman is pro-life, like that biatch that came to lecture in my health class sophomore year of high school.  Really, I wish I could put her in a time machine, bring her back to high school and get her pregnant. Have fun walking through the halls of E-town with a basketball sized bulge under your sequined Bebe tank top...

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