Obviously, there are plenty of cool people who go to Madison... actually, plenty is a stretch, but I know a few, including my dad. I would love to like Madison, I mean it's a great city, the campus is located right on the lake, State Street is full of bars, stores, and restaurants. Interestingly, it reminds me a lot of Evanston. And I think we all know from personal experience that just because a town is pretty sweet, doesn't mean the school located there is. I don't know of one cool person that goes to Northwestern University, and I live on the campus. I worked in a bar there and have gone to some really awesome Northwestern parties... I think that may be an oxymoron. It's okay Jane, you don't actually go there.
So yes, Madison is a great town, but is it really a great school? Why does everyone who goes there think they are better than everyone else simply because they go there? I mean I got in to Wisconsin, and it was my last choice of schools simply because of the whole stigma that seems to go along with it. It's not Harvard, I know straight up questionable retards who go there. Why does everyone at Madison think they can drink harder and party harder than people who don't? I know kids at a small school in the middle of North Carolina who can drink some Badgers under the table. And your halloween isn't all it's cracked up to be. I know from personal experience. Cops on horses spraying innocent victims in fairy costumes with pepper spray, it's just not worth the trip. The only reason that I will admit that Madison students may drink more than other students is because so many of them seem to blow up like balloons their freshman year and remain that way until they graduate.
One of the great things about the Big Ten, is that so many of the students hail from the Midwest, which is a nice, friendly place that I am familiar with from having grown up here myself. While I do appreciate an East Coaster, or a Southerner here and there, I don't know what I would do if I had to listen to the whine of the East Coast J.A.P 24/7. Every time I go to Madison, I feel as though I am surrounded by them, mostly girls, and I just can't stand it. They stick out with their curly black hair, Northface fleeces, Ugg boots (I guess I have most of these things), but it's just the whole package deal, and it's awful. Why don't they just stay on the Jersey Shore where they belong? Why do they need to come in and rot the Midwest?
Obviously Madison has an occasional gem or two (Alex Roveda), but when it comes down to it, I guess I'd rather be surrounded by the emo, skinny jean wearing, mop top headed, unisex DePaul Blue Demons.
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